viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

In my own world

whats been going on with my life lately? well... thats a question i ask to myself everyday.
im deep into my studies... well, not actually studies since its graphic design... more like into my drawings...

I've been trying to develop these characters, each one with their own traits and different personalities, i want them to be alive, to feel and think for them selfs (which would actually mean that I'm insane, but who cares, right?)and to be able to react in different situations without me having to think to much about it (or none at all)

lately i feel like i've been drawn to much to this world i want to create, i have to get out and forget about it for a while...

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

and then...

there was a time we were all happy
a more peaceful time, without hate o war
tiempos en los que la vida era mas sencilla
y los problemas eran insignificantes
tiempos en los que la inosencia no era solo un recuerdo
y la palabra sexo no estaba ligada a pedofilia, violacion o sodomía
tiempos en los que la virginidad era mas un estado mental que fisico
y nuestros suenios no eran un aston martin o un ferrari

and then there was money...

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

i do...

"u probably never come here anymore... everyone has a facebook now... anyways... i miss u, we dont talk that much now, and i know its really my fault, estoy en parciales y todos son proyectos y disenios, por eso no te veo por aki, me la paso dibujndo y cuando estoy en la pc es usando photoshop...

anyways... i miss u, and the way u are, and the way we talk, and ur smile, even if i cant see it... strange i know... but who cares... i miss u."